Karen Quinones-Smith

As a parent, it was always important to me for my children to pursue their passions and dreams. But when one of my children told me they wanted to become an esports contender’s player, I was initially unsure. I had no experience with esports and struggled to understand the rules and the competitive nature of it.

In the past, I had let my children play soccer, flag football, baseball, and CYO basketball without fully understanding the rules myself. So, why not this? It was a long road of learning and supporting my child as he pursued his interests, but in the end, it was his dream and not mine.

As I began to research esports and understand the esports ecosystem, I began to see the potential for my child to excel in this field. I learned about the different leagues and tournaments and the dedication and skills required to be a successful player. I embraced the collegiate varsity level and learned about all the career pathways and opportunities in the future of the esports ecosystem.

Despite my initial struggles with accepting my child's dream of becoming an esports player, I realized that it was important to support him in their pursuit. I also made sure we talked about a plan B in place, knowing that there are always uncertainties in any career path.

In the end, I am proud to see my child thriving as an esports contender and varsity collegiate player. It has been a journey of learning and understanding, but it has been worth it to see my child pursuing his passion and achieving his goals.

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